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What Is Guest Feedback?

Guest feedback is the response from guests in the form of online reviews, guest survey responses, or guest messaging communication. It can be used to understand the guest and guide the resolution of issues that are affecting the guest experience.

A board with a lot of guest feedback

Why Is Guest Feedback Important?

Guest feedback can be used in a number of different ways to understand and improve the guest experience. On a very basic level, guests can contact you via messaging or respond to short in-stay surveys checking in with them while still on site. This type of feedback allows hoteliers to fix issues and provide service recovery before the guest has checked out, which vastly improves guest satisfaction.

Feedback from reviews and surveys can be aggregated across the long term and analyzed for semantic mentions, whether positive or negative, to assess trends and influence Capex decisions. For example, a hotelier might decide on whether to renovate furnishings according to the volume and polarity of mentions within the online reviews and guest survey responses they are getting. This ensures that decisions are data-based and that any investment will improve the guest experience and therefore improve bookings, ADR, and revenue.

Feedback in the form of online guest reviews and survey responses is a goldmine of information for any hotelier wishing to improve the experience at their property. The results can also be segmented so you can understand guests from different countries, trip types, or results from different OTAs and review sites.

In this day and age, any decision should be backed up with the right data, for which guest feedback is vital. With so many tools out there to support hoteliers to gather guest data, there is no excuse anymore to rely on guessing and intuition. In the end, guest feedback is key for hoteliers to stay in tune with their guest’s needs, and to continuously deliver great guest experiences.

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