Introducing the first-ever infographic for the Q1 2024 Guest Experience Benchmark Report!  Download it here.

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Mobile app

Engage with guests while on-the-go and never miss a chance to provide elevated guest service.

Available on Android and iOS.

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Improve guest experience, on-the-go!

The ReviewPro app is designed for use by hoteliers on the go, empowering your team to focus on what will most positively impact and improve guest experience.

Combining alerts, notifications and the ability to respond to guest feedback in real-time, we give you the tools to proactively engage with guests. Know what your guests are saying about your hotel around the clock and respond directly to them from your mobile device or tablet.

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*Currently only available for ReviewPro users.

The industry must-have mobile app
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Access real-time performance metrics

We integrate our industry-leading online reputation and guest satisfaction survey analytics into one, easy-to-use mobile app. Leverage real-time guest feedback data to know which categories or concepts are trending up or down.

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Prioritize where you need to take action

Based on customized views and settings, see only the most relevant insights for your department, enabling you to prioritize operational and service improvements. Mobilize your team by creating and assigning tickets to be able to act quickly, ensuring guests leave your hotel happy.

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You can access the following solutions from our app:

Hotel Reputation

Analyze, understand, and measure online reputation results using the Global Review Index™️, a proprietary algorithm based on data collected from 45 languages across 140 review sites. Benchmark competitors, make data driven decisions, and watch your reputation and revenue grow.

Guest Surveys

Fully customizable surveys that gather the data you need to make smart operational decisions. Collect information via in-stay or post-stay surveys at any stage of the journey, via any device. Gain valuable insights by filtering your results based on PMS filters, and analyze the feedback with powerful sentiment analysis technology.

Case Management

Configure custom alerts to inform the correct department of any issues in real-time and drive service excellence with timely responses. Create custom workflows and escalation rules that afford full visibility for staff and management, ensuring delivery of KPIs, and supporting business goals.

Guest Communications

Deliver the next generation of guest experience by facilitating fluid, open communication with your guests on the channel of their choice. Ensure that messaging is scalable with an AI-driven chatbot and automation. Data analysis provides full visibility on what’s driving operational success at your property.

Guest Experience Platform

Our powerful guest experience platform allows you to aggregate, view and manage all your guest feedback and competitors’ data in one central dashboard, so you can make data driven decisions and collect fresh information at key touchpoints across the guest journey whether that is in the form of a review, survey response, or messages.


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