How important will contactless hotel technology be for hotel operations after COVID-19?
It is true that during the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone was pushed into faster technology adoption, both from a consumer’s point of view and from a business perspective. Since we have become so used to driving our needs and habits from our phones, many guests will expect digital uptake in hotels, even after the pandemic. But, what will be the importance of contactless hotel technology for hotel operations? ?

Will Guests Want Contactless Hotel Technology after COVID-19?
We need to keep in mind that many of the technologies we see booming today have been existing for years. Contactless technology has already been implemented in many other industries, like online banking or even online check-in or booking instead of going to the airport or travel agent. The hotel industry has traditionally always lagged on tech adoption, but with the increase in digital habits, this will not be accepted anymore.
People have never adopted technology faster than now, due to situations like remote working. The geographical gaps for digital adoption have never been so small. The guest’s habits have changed, so should the guest’s experience at your property.
However, it is key to always offer the option to guests, so they can always rely on agents and face-to-face contact if they prefer. We need to respect the different rhythms of digital adoption we are experiencing.
What Is the Aim of Contactless Hotel Technology?

It is important to keep in mind that contactless hotel technology, like online check-in and check-out, digital food ordering, or guest messaging, is not created with a global health crisis in mind, but with the needs of the industry. If they seem very beneficial now, it only proves that technology will help you to be flexible and adaptable for unforeseen scenarios.
Technology can help us bridge the pandemic by making hotel operations more efficient, scalable, and flexible. But, they will also be key to provide better service in normalcy. Technology during the pandemic might be used to create social distancing, and to do more with fewer resources. However, later it will free up the time for your staff to interact in new and innovative ways. It will offer the option to guests to drive their experience from their phone, just like they are used to in their daily lives.
In the end, we cannot forget that technology is and has always been created to deliver better guest experiences, which is why contactless hotel technology will remain important after COVID-19.
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